- Разрешение фотографий #13097
- Прошивки для h501ss #12184
- Железо и Прошивки H501A и H501SS очень похожи. #13594.
- Официальное видео о том как различаются H501S и H501SS
- Прошивка Russian Hackers Edition с максимальной мощностью передатчика для H501SS. RX SS v2.1.22 RHE #989/
H501SS firmware installation changes
If your stock firmware version came with V2.1.16 and FC-1.1.29 then try using FC Tool V3 to upgrade.
If your stock firmware version came with V2.1.16 and FC-1.1.31 then try using FC H501A Tool to upgrade.
Important!!! Do not try to mix the RX firmware between the S and SS! The receiving board for the H501SS and H501S are two completely different receiving boards. The RX firmware will not function if they are mixed. Us the correct firmware stated above for your model.
Make sure you read and understand the installation information in the H501SS firmware installation changes section above about the two different firmware install tools. The FC version 3 tool is the one you use for the S and for the SS if it came with the versions specified above. The new FC H501A tool is for the SS only and is used for the SS if it came with the versions specified above.
*Re-Bind (page 6) and do the stick calibrations (page 18) after any firmware upgrade!
Web Links for installing firmware:
Link for H501S firmware
Link for H501SS firmware
Upgrading tutorial videos:
These instruction videos do not show the new H501A Tool. This is a new tool for the SS as explained above but same concept as the FC Tool V3.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeLgOD1iz-k&t=5s for deluxe version
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWTfFXs695c&feature=youtu.be for standard e version